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Amanda's Family

Amanda's Family:

Amanda's father still lives in the childhood home where she was raised. A self-proclaimed 'Daddy's Girl,' Amanda is very close with her father, Mike. While Mike is retired, he remains impressively active. He’s an avid golfer, exercises every day, and has served as the assistant girls' basketball coach at Amanda's high school for 23 years! He is also the most amazing grandfather to Amanda and Rishi’s niece, Eden.

Amanda also had a remarkably close relationship with her mother. Sadly, Amanda's family lost their matriarch to cancer in 2021. While we know Susan is no longer with us in the physical world, we take comfort in knowing she is watching over us and will watch over our future little one(s).

Amanda is very close with her sister, Alyssa. Alyssa and her husband, Pete, also live in York, PA with their daughter, Eden. Just as Amanda and Alyssa share a strong bond, Rishi and Pete have a brotherly connection. Eden, who is 4 years old, has been excitedly talking about wanting a sibling and cousins! Amanda and Rishi cherish being Eden’s aunt (A-Da) and uncle (Ri Ri), and we know that Alyssa and Pete will play an integral role in the lives of our children.

Amanda is blessed with many aunts, uncles, and cousins who have been supportive throughout her life, and with whom she and Rishi remain close today. Many of them have young children of their own. Amanda was fortunate to be raised surrounded by both sets of her grandparents, residing in York, PA. Her maternal grandmother continues to be an integral part of our lives. We love gathering for holidays, birthdays, and ice cream socials, and it’s a joy to watch the younger generation grow and form bonds of their own.



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